Why MongoDB Compass ?!

Know your data with seamless schema visualization

MongoDB Compass analyzes your documents and displays rich structures within your collections in a simple and intuitive GUI.
It allows you to quickly visualize and explore your schema to understand the frequency, types and ranges of fields in your data set.
Get quick insights with built-in data visualization

MongoDB Compass displays the distribution of values for fields within your documents in different forms depending on your data.
All data types and their population frequencies are visualized in easy-to-understand histograms.

Build sophisticated queries without writing a single line of code

Point and click to construct your queries, execute them with the push of a button and Compass will display your results both graphically and as sets of JSON documents.

Why MongoDB Compass :

The UI tools for MongoDB such as RoboMongo or MongoVUE do not support the wiredTiger storage engine.
This becomes a bottleneck for the users who are habituated to using a UI instead of command line interface.
Can you please suggest a UI tool for MongoDB (on Windows) which supports wiredTiger engine?

MongoDB Compass (the new GUI tool developed by MongoDB) does support Windows 7 and above, and also supports WiredTiger engine.
MongoDB Compass is available with either MongoDB Professional or MongoDB Enterprise Advanced


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