password option file in MongoDB

if you're curious to know whether we've password option file concept in MongoDB something similar to MySQL (refer below links).
With this, we can actually save credentials in a option hidden file within client session and we no need to enter the username and password every time. I know it's not secure way at times, but I require to skip this during my test cases and please note I can't disable my authentication as well.
Any JS/shell script/option file or thru config file works for me.
Yes, you can specify a mongo JS script to run before running the shell that can authenticate your session. The format for the auth script would be:
db.getSiblingDB("<authentication database>").auth("<username>", "<password>");
The authentication database is the database where your user is defined - usually "admin". To use the auth script, invoke mongo with the --shell option and add the script name:
$ mongo --shell ./testauth.js
If you don't want an interactive shell, you can ommit the --shell option, and other scripts will also be authenticated as long as the auth script is the first one listed.
[host root @ myhostname ~] # cat ./.mongodbauth.js
db.getSiblingDB("admin").auth("admin_mongodb", "password")
[host root @ myhostname ~] #
[host root @ myhostname ~] # /opt/mongodb/bin/mongo --shell myhostname:37017 ./.mongodbauth.js -ssl
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.5
connecting to: myhostname:37017/test
type "help" for help
Anything you put in .mongorc.js in your home directory will be executed by the mongo shell on startup. You can also specify host and port information by re-assigning the db variable. An example .mongorc.js file could look like this:
db = connect("<hostname>:<port>/<database name>");
db.getSiblingDB("<authentication database>").auth("<username>", "<password>");

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