[MongoDb]: Developer tools


While mongo shell provides an excellent non-GUI way to interoperate with the data, there are many GUI tools available to view/modify MongoDB data and also to provide support for administrative tasks in a more graphical manner.

Best place to start would be to look here: MongoDB Admin Interfaces

Few of them are detailed below:

1. Umongo


• Connects to a single server, a replica set, or a MongoS instance
• DB ops: create, drop, authenticate, command, eval, etc
• Collection ops: create, rename, drop, find, insert, save, etc
• Document ops: update, duplicate, remove, etc
• Index ops: create, drop, etc
• Shard ops: enable sharding, add shard, shard collection, etc
• GUI Document builder
• Import / Export data from database to local files in JSON, BSON, CSV format.
• Support for query options and write concerns (getLastError)
• Display of numerous stats (server status, db stats, replication info, etc)
• Mongo tree refreshes to have a real time view of cluster (servers up/down, durability, etc)
• All operations are executed in background to keep UI responsive
• Background threads can repeat commands automatically
• GUI is identical on all OS

2. MongoVUE

• MongoVUE makes it a very simple to see and visualize your data. It gives you 3 different views of it – TreeView, TableView and TextView.

• Free version of MongoVUE has the following features:

Browse/Find view
Remove view
Update view
MapReduce view
Import data from RDBMS like MySQL
Build Indexex visually
Export data to JSON, CSV & Excel
Move data/collections between servers
User Manager

3. MonjaDB for Eclipse


• MonjaDB is a MongoDB GUI tool for eclipse platform.
• It provides a straightforward way of updating MongoDB documents.
• WYSIWYG editing on JSON/Table/Tree of MongoDB documents

4. Meclipse for Eclipse

Eclipse update site: http://flaper87.github.com/meclipse/updates/

5. RoboMongo


Please add any other tool that you are using and not listed above.

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