MongoDB 3.2 is out finally …
MongoDB Inc., excited to announce MongoDB 3.2, their latest and most significant release yet. With 3.2, they have increased the range of mission-critical use cases they serve, enabling you to standardise on a single database for your modern applications. To learn more about…
Backing-up the MongoDB’s sharded cluster
Considerations : 1) Stop the balancer before capturing a backup. If the balancer is active while you capture backups, the backup artifacts may be incomplete and/or have duplicate data, as chunks may migrate while recording backups. 2) Take a backup…
How to know MongoDB’s Memory fragmentation ?
/* * MongoDB fragmentation estimator, this is only a guide / example. * THIS SCRIPT IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE, IT IS FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY * To execute on a locally running mongod on default port (27017), run: * mongo getMongoFragmentation.js…
MongoDB Balancer Tips …
Run the balancer at low traffic times mongos> db.settings.update({_id: “balancer”}, {$set : { activeWindow: { start: “9:00”, stop: “21:00”}}}) mongos> mongos> mongos> db.settings.find() { “_id” : “chunksize”, “value” : 64 } { “_id” : “balancer”, “activeWindow” : {…
MongoDB Tag-aware sharding script
Commands : use dbversity sh.status() sh.enableSharding(“dbversity”) db.nosql.ensureIndex({“mongodb” : 1}) db.rdbms.ensureIndex({“oracle” : 1}) db.newsql.ensureIndex({“memsql” : 1}) show collections sh.status() sh.shardCollection(“dbversity.nosql”, {mongodb:1}); sh.shardCollection(“dbversity.rdbms”, {oracle:1}); sh.shardCollection(“dbversity.newsql”, {memsql:1}); sh.status() for (var i=0; i<100000; i++) { db[“nosql”].insert({mongodb: Math.random(), count: i, time: new Date()}); } for…
Why MongoDB Compass ?!
Know your data with seamless schema visualization MongoDB Compass analyzes your documents and displays rich structures within your collections in a simple and intuitive GUI. It allows you to quickly visualize and explore your schema to understand the frequency, types…
set/unset the fields with another fields in mongo
Question : How can I update a field with another field value in the same document (in both array & embedded sub documents) From the attached JSON document, I would like to update ‘analyticUsers.geid’ to : ‘analyticUsers._id’ & tried all…
MongoDB WT with ext4 Filesystem and its performance issues.
Currently MongoDB Inc., is lacking in a comprehensive explanation of the issues that can arise with WT when running on EXT4. Specifically, details on what the issue is, under what conditions it can manifest, and what the symptoms are. They’ve…
How to Set up a Microservices Architecture in Ruby: A Step by Step Guide
What Are Microservices? Microservices are one of the latest trends in software design where multiple independent services communicate among themselves and have their own processes and resources. This approach differs from a typical client-server application design. The usual client-server application…