MongoDB Initial Sync & Sharding/Balancing timings – The influencing factors

  The following factors influence the Initial sync & sharding timings i.e., the initial sync between primary and secondary for a replica set or the initial sharding/balancing for a sharded cluster 1. Document size 2. No. of documents/collections 3. No….

Full text search in MongoDB

This is a custom implementation created by the MongoDB developers as a specific index type, and is due to be launched as an experimental feature in MongoDB 2.4. It has features such as: Full text search as an index type…

MongoDB: count() inconsistency during the MongoDB Initial Sharding

We observed that inconsistent document counts of a collection when we query thru mongos during initial sharding due to newly added shard to the existing set-up. It’s expected to have inconsistent counts when we query directly on shard, but App…

MongoDB: lock/unlock users

While there are no built in commands for lock/unLock, it is possible to add them. Here are a couple of simple implementations that remove the user you want to lock from the db.system.users collection and save it in a lockedUsers…

MongoDB User creation: localhost exception

If we create a user in Mongos (router), we can authenticate Mongod’s (RS/Shard: in case of shard, user should have ‘clusterAdmin’ role) using that user. But still we can directly connect to Mongod’s with localhost exception with out any UN/PW….

Node requirement for MemSQL commands

MemSQL commands must be run on the appropriate type(s) of node in a MemSQL cluster. Please refer the link MemSQL Commands by Type — MemSQL 2.6 documentation for more details. X = recommended to run on this type of node…

MemSQL Aggregation commands

some useful Aggregator commands. At Master Aggregator :- ——————— Please find the each command description at mysql> select database(); +————+ | database() | +————+ | ycsb | +————+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show tables; +—————–+ |…

MongoDB ConfigDB differ issue – Recovery procedure

We have 3 config servers ( say config1, config2 & config3 ) in production and imagine we have config db differ issue (configdb mismatch) on the config1 & config3. Then we may have to follow the following procedure to recover…

How to add script in Linux start-up

To add the scripts in start-up, we can use any of the one following command. In the below scenario, say you wanted add mongod start/stop/restart script to Linux ( reboot/start-up) [root@12d4-dl585-03 init.d]# chkconfig –add mongod [root@12d4-dl585-03 init.d]# (OR) Add a…

MongoDB Custom script for Monitoring

Main PHP program ( mm.php ) :- [root@MyLabBox v8]# pwd /var/www/html/mongo/v8 [root@MyLabBox v8]# cat mm.php <?php ############################################################# ############################################################# header(‘Refresh:120’); include(“mm_data.php”); $data_cfg_file = “datanode.cfg”; $fd = fopen($data_cfg_file, ‘r’); $node=fgets($fd); $count=1; echo ” <tr>”; while ( $node != “”) { $out =…