MongoDB Initial Sync & Sharding/Balancing timings – The influencing factors


The following factors influence the Initial sync & sharding timings i.e.,

the initial sync between primary and secondary for a replica set or
the initial sharding/balancing for a sharded cluster

1. Document size
2. No. of documents/collections
3. No. of chunks & their size
4. Document type ( text, image & video . etc)
5. N/W bandwidth
6. Number of Indices & Shard key
7. Size of RAM relative to working set & index sizes
8. Disk I/O performance

To learn more about initial sync read:
In addition to the factors above, the number of indexes to be built will impact initial sync time as well.
You can speed up the initial sync by seeding a secondary from another replica set member:
To learn more about the mechanics of balancing a sharded cluster, read:
In addition to the factors listed above the shard key, chunk size and balancing thresholds can influence sharding/balancing performance:
In certain circumstances you can pre-split chunk ranges to improve initial document distribution:
For sharding/scaling performance in general see the sections on “Scaling a MongoDB System” & “Shard Balancing” in the MongoDB Operations Best Practices:

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