Tracking document versions with MongoDB
Consider requirement that we have to be able to recreate/query any version of a document that ever existed in a particular collection. So we start out with: { docId: “A”, version: 1, color: “red”, locale: “USA” } If we need…
Quick question – on findAndModify() concurrency. Ex: 2 threads are trying to pull the same document at the same time (using status=pending), and assuming 1st thread gets the lock on the doc and change the status to “in-process” through findAndModify()….
Working with MongoDB Indexes
Indexes are the single biggest tunable performance factor in MongoDB Absent or suboptimal indexes are the most common avoidable MongoDB performance problem. // Create an index if one does not exist ( { main_ingredient : 1 } ) //…
MongoDB setOnInsert
If an update operation with upsert: true results in an insert of a document, then $setOnInsert assigns the specified values to the fields in the document. If the update operation does not result in an insert, $setOnInsert does nothing….
Redis vs NCache – A Detailed Feature Comparison
A nice comaparision of Redis vs NCache at Alachisoft This comparison is between Redis v3.0.7 and NCache 4.6. It is a detailed feature by feature comparison of both products so you can quickly see which product is weak or strong…
Couchbase 102: Couchbase Server & Couchbase Mobile Use Cases on May 5, 2016 11:00 AM SGT
You can register for Couchbase 102: Couchbase Server & Couchbase Mobile Use Cases on May 5, 2016 11:00 AM SGT at: Learn about the most common use cases of Couchbase Server & Couchbase Mobile and how Couchbase meets…
Don’t miss Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQL
Webinar – Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQL Don’t miss Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQL Hello, Don’t forget to register for the first webinar in our Back to Basics series. Join us a…
MongoDB Doesn’t Encrypt Audit Data ?!!
If you’re looking at MongoDB native auditing and though all your MongoDB environments enforce network encryption using SSL and signed certificates and wanted to know if the transmission of the audit data to a JSON/BSON file or the syslog…
How to determine MongoDB Enterprise/Free version that you’re connected to ?
To determine whether the MongoDB that you connected, Enterprise/Open source – below are many methods. 1) The easiest way is .. use “mongod –version ” Enterprise Edition, mentioned as “module : enterprise” where community edition as “none” See below, first…
MongoDB 2.6’s End of Life will be October 31st, 2016
A Notification from MongoDB Inc., on MongoDB 2.6’s EOL : MongoDB 2.6 was released in April, 2014 (24 months ago) and we are approaching the end of life of this major version. We are providing six (6) months notice that…