Tutorial Using MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline
Using data to answer interesting questions is what researchers are busy doing in today’s data driven world. Given huge volumes of data, the challenge of processing and analyzing it is a big one; particularly for statisticians or data analysts who…
http://biglogictech.com/ : Hadoop & MongoDB Classes
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From MongoDB to Couchbase: How to Make the Switch
From MongoDB to Couchbase: How to Make the Switch Date: Wednesday, 18 November 2015 Time: 3 p.m. GMT In this webinar, I will: Explain the key differences between MongoDB and Couchbase — including the 7 common challenges with MongoDB that Couchbase overcomes…
[MongoDB]: When Arbiter required for Replica Set
MongoDB replica sets provide a number of features that most MongoDB users are going to want to leverage. Best of all they are relatively easy to setup. However, first timers often hesitate when it comes to the role of arbiters….
6 Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design
When designing a MongoDB schema, you need to start with a question that you’d never consider when using SQL: what is the cardinality of the relationship? Put less formally: you need to characterize your “One-to-N” relationship with a bit more…
[MongoDB]: XML to JSON conversion
If you are planning to use MongoDB, you would first need to convert the XML document into JSON format and then persist it to MongoDB. There are bunch of available open source tools that can convert XML to JSON. XML.java…
error while loading shared libraries: libnetsnmpagent.so.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You’ll see below error while starting mongod instance, while you miss libnetsnmpagent.so.20 library files in your /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 folders. [ root @ vm-5cc5-bad6 : ~ ] ll -lhtr /usr/lib64/libnetsnmpagent.so.20 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Mar 7 2015 /usr/lib64/libnetsnmpagent.so.20…
Mongoimport: How to specify field types ?
Q) When using mongoimport to import a CSV, the field “00234” will get imported as the number 234, is there any way to specify field type of each field or is there any other solution for the same so that…
[MongoDB]: Storing Comments
This document outlines the basic patterns for storing user-submitted comments in a content management system (CMS.) Overview MongoDB provides a number of different approaches for storing data like users-comments on content from a CMS. There is no correct implementation, but…