Webinar | MongoDB vs. Couchbase Server – Architecture & Code

Have you been curious about the difference in architecture between MongoDB and Couchbase Server? Then this is the perfect time to learn more.

Join my live webinar on Thursday, 21 July at 10:00 a.m. BST where I’ll discuss:

  • The most common operational challenges with MongoDB
  • The architectural differences between MongoDB and Couchbase Server
  • How the two databases read, write, and query data
  • Other differences, including consistency, deployments, and support of multiple data centers
  • Why Gannett recently migrated from MongoDB to Couchbase

I’ll also talk about the latest MongoDB vs. Couchbase benchmark results, and how you can make a successful migration from MongoDB to Couchbase. Register now.

Best regards,

David Ostrovsky
Senior Solutions Engineer


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