MariaDB Data at Rest Encryption Having tables encrypted makes it almost impossible for someone to access or steal a hard disk and get access to the original data. This assumes that encryption keys are stored on another system. Using encryption…
We can access Monyog using https by configuring Nginx and access Monyog behind Nginx. Please refer our FAQ for the steps to configure here. rm -rf /root/sslcert cd /root mkdir sslcert chmod 0700 sslcert cd sslcert mkdir certs private echo…
Year after year, we bear witness to the increasingly rapid evolution of the IT industry. It has now been more than two decades since the groundbreaking slogan ”Write once, run anywhere“ set a whole new level of expectation for the…
Starting (or bootstrapping) a Galera Cluster using MariaDB from RHSC (RedHat Software Collection) CANNOT be done with –wsrep-new-cluster option at service start up on RHEL6, e.g. commonly known as: # service mysql start –wsrep-new-cluster <=== This DOES NOT work!!! RHEL…
To stick with current version of MariaDB to ensure receiving the latest features and security patches. Use the following steps to install MariaDB re-distributed by Redhead Software Collection (RHSC) on RHEL 6.x: [root@dbverstyhost ~]# cd /net/e12-dma-04/nas/mariadb/support_files [root@dbverstyhost support_files]# ls -l…
MariaDB [partition_db]> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mytable; Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) MariaDB [partition_db]> CREATE TABLE mytable (id int(10), pin int(10), dt datetime) PARTITION BY HASH ( SECOND(dt) ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)…
If you’re installing MongoDB with the SSL suport package on the windows it requires libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files, please find the below issue raised by MongoDB JIRA You can download above dll files from below latest Openssl software collection and copy…
Once you’re done with Setting up SSL (openssl) with MariaDB , run below command against your private key to assign a password and out file to a new private key file. [root@dbversity ~]# openssl rsa -aes256 -in /etc/opt/rh/rh-mariadb101/pki/mariadb_private.key -out /tmp/mariadb_privatekey.with_password_aes…
Below command used to parse and give you a list of revoked serial numbers: openssl crl -inform DER -text -noout -in mycrl.crl Most CRLs are DER encoded, but you can use -inform PEM if your CRL is not binary. If…