How do you choose the best Linux filesystem for your MariaDB server? The primary factors to look at are data integrity, performance, and ease of administration. Data integrity tops the list because fixing a corrupted database is even less fun…
How to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB on Linux in five steps You’ve decided to move from MySQL to MariaDB, but you’re a little nervous. The last thing you want is to become mired in a slough of brokenness. Don’t…
How to search for and replace a text string in MariaDB on Linux There will come a time when you must search for a particular text string in a field in MariaDB, and you may not know what database or…
It’s time to get to know four of the most commonly used administration commands for your MariaDB server: mysql,mysqladmin, mysqldump, and mysqlimport. The examples run these commands on the server rather than over the network. You’ll be prompted for your…
If InnoDB or XtraDB in MySQL or MariaDB are interrupted while performing an ALTER TABLE, they’ll leave a temporary table sitting in your data directory. This thing will be taking up space, which is no good. If you’re usinginnodb-file-per-table, or…
Let’s assume you want to start an automatically expanding and shrinking MySQL replication cluster with up-to seven database servers. This blog shows how to setup up and start MaxScale to work with a master and a single slave and, when…
I needed to test the new SkySQL server audit plug-in 1.1.7 on latest MariaDB 10.0.10 More info about that handy plug in you may find here : Take a moment to read the info, along with that nice…
You can use the popular programming language Python to manage data stored in MariaDB. Here is everything you need to know about connecting to MariaDB from Python for retrieving, updating, and inserting information. Preparation and installation If you don’t…
If you want to avoid downtimes in your business, High Availabilty (HA) is a strong requirement which, by definition, makes it possible to access your data all the time without losing (any) data. In this blog we compare two alternatives: Oracle RAC and MariaDB…
Puppet is a powerful automation tool that helps administrators manage complex server setups centrally. You can use Puppet to manage MariaDB — let’s see how. With Puppet, you describe system states that you want the Puppet master server [to enforce]…