This blog was originally posted by David Maier here Couchbase Server does out of the box not support document revisions but it would be quite simple to implement it on the application side. This article describes ways how to do…

 This Blog was originally posted by Cecile Le Pape here Is it possible to build a Content Management system flexible and scalable ? Flexible so I can choose independently my file storage and my metadata storage.  Each of these parts…

This Blog was originally posted by David Maier here In Couchbase the equivalent of a database is called a bucket. A bucket is basically a data container which is split into 1024 partitions, the so called vBuckets. Each partition is…

This Blog was originally posted by Francois Cerebella here Sep 22, 2015 • fcerbell This short tutorial explains how to find an interesting data set (quantitatively and qualitatively) and load it into Couchbase in order to play with it. This…