Aggregation Framework Operators
Pipeline Operators :-
The aggregation pipeline cannot operate on values of the following types: Symbol, MinKey, MaxKey,DBRef, Code, and CodeWScope.
Pipeline operators appear in an array. Documents pass through the operators in a sequence.
Name | Description |
$project | Reshapes a document stream. $project can rename, add, or remove fields as well as create computed values and sub-documents. |
$match | Filters the document stream, and only allows matching documents to pass into the next pipeline stage. $match uses standard MongoDB queries. |
$redact | Restricts the content of a returned document on a per-field level. |
$limit | Restricts the number of documents in an aggregation pipeline. |
$skip | Skips over a specified number of documents from the pipeline and returns the rest. |
$unwind | Takes an array of documents and returns them as a stream of documents. |
$group | Groups documents together for the purpose of calculating aggregate values based on a collection of documents. |
$sort | Takes all input documents and returns them in a stream of sorted documents. |
$geoNear | Returns an ordered stream of documents based on proximity to a geospatial point. |
$out | Writes documents from the pipeline to a collection. The $out operator must be the last stage in the pipeline. |
Expression Operators :-
Expression operators calculate values within the Pipeline Operators.
$group Operators
Name | Description |
$addToSet | Returns an array of all the unique values for the selected field among for each document in that group. |
$first | Returns the first value in a group. |
$last | Returns the last value in a group. |
$max | Returns the highest value in a group. |
$min | Returns the lowest value in a group. |
$avg | Returns an average of all the values in a group. |
$push | Returns an array of all values for the selected field among for each document in that group. |
$sum | Returns the sum of all the values in a group. |
Boolean Operators:-
These operators accept Booleans as arguments and return Booleans as results.
The operators convert non-Booleans to Boolean values according to the BSON standards. Here, null,undefined, and 0 values become false, while non-zero numeric values, and all other types, such as strings, dates, objects become true.
Name | Description |
$and | Returns true only when all values in its input array are true. |
$or | Returns true when any value in its input array are true. |
$not | Returns the boolean value that is the opposite of the input value. |
Set Operators:-
These operators provide operations on sets.
Name | Description |
$setEquals | Returns true if two sets have the same elements. |
$setIntersection | Returns the common elements of the input sets. |
$setDifference | Returns elements of a set that do not appear in a second set. |
$setUnion | Returns a set that holds all elements of the input sets. |
$setIsSubset | Returns true if all elements of a set appear in a second set. |
$anyElementTrue | Returns true if any elements of a set evaluate to true, and false otherwise. |
$allElementsTrue | Returns true if all elements of a set evaluate to true, and false otherwise. |
Comparison Operators:-
These operators perform comparisons between two values and return a Boolean, in most cases reflecting the result of the comparison. All comparison operators take an array with a pair of values. You may compare numbers, strings, and dates. Except for $cmp, all comparison operators return a Boolean value. $cmp returns an integer.
Name | Description |
$cmp | Compares two values and returns the result of the comparison as an integer. |
$eq | Takes two values and returns true if the values are equivalent. |
$gt | Takes two values and returns true if the first is larger than the second. |
$gte | Takes two values and returns true if the first is larger than or equal to the second. |
$lt | Takes two values and returns true if the second value is larger than the first. |
$lte | Takes two values and returns true if the second value is larger than or equal to the first. |
$ne | Takes two values and returns true if the values are not equivalent. |
Arithmetic Operators:-
Arithmetic operators support only numbers.
Name | Description |
$add | Computes the sum of an array of numbers. |
$divide | Takes two numbers and divides the first number by the second. |
$mod | Takes two numbers and calculates the modulo of the first number divided by the second. |
$multiply | Computes the product of an array of numbers. |
$subtract | Takes an array that contains two numbers or two dates and subtracts the second value from the first. |
String Operators:-
String operators that manipulate strings.
Name | Description |
$concat | Concatenates two strings. |
$strcasecmp | Compares two strings and returns an integer that reflects the comparison. |
$substr | Takes a string and returns portion of that string. |
$toLower | Converts a string to lowercase. |
$toUpper | Converts a string to uppercase. |
Text Search Operators:-
Operators to support text search.
Name | Description |
$meta | Access metadata for $sort stage or $projectstage. |
Array Operators:-
Operators that manipulate arrays.
Name | Description |
$size | Returns the size of the array. |
Projection Expressions:-
Operators that increase the flexibility within aggregation projection and projection-like expressions. These operators are available in the $project, $group, and $redact pipeline stages.
Name | Description |
$map | Applies a sub-expression to each item in an array and returns the result of the sub-expression. |
$let | Defines variables for use within the scope of an aggregation expression. |
$literal | Forces the aggregation pipeline to return a literal value without evaluating the expression. |
Date Operators:-
Date operators take a “Date” typed value as a single argument and return a number.
Name | Description |
$dayOfYear | Converts a date to a number between 1 and 366. |
$dayOfMonth | Converts a date to a number between 1 and 31. |
$dayOfWeek | Converts a date to a number between 1 and 7. |
$year | Converts a date to the full year. |
$month | Converts a date into a number between 1 and 12. |
$week | Converts a date into a number between 0 and 53 |
$hour | Converts a date into a number between 0 and 23. |
$minute | Converts a date into a number between 0 and 59. |
$second | Converts a date into a number between 0 and 59. May be 60 to account for leap seconds. |
$millisecond | Returns the millisecond portion of a date as an integer between 0 and 999. |
Conditional Expressions:-
Name | Description |
$cond | A ternary operator that evaluates one expression, and depending on the result returns the value of one following expressions. |
$ifNull | Evaluates an expression and returns a value. |