MongoDB: Understanding Oplog

The following table clearly explains what each Oplog field denotes.


Field Name Alias Details Operations Values
ts TimeSpace Holds the “Time of the operation” & “incremental id”. For all bulk (insert/remove/update) operations “Time of the operation” remains same and id changes to an incremental value. Default value of the id is 1 For All Operations (Time of the operation, incremental id)
h  hash a unique ID for each operation For All Operations NumberLong(“7202552052460497158”)
t NA NA For All Operations NumberLong(1)
v version# version For All Operations 2
op Operation Type Write operations (import/Insert/Delete/Update/) Write Operations i/d/u
Commands that affect database (Create, Drop: Database/collection) Command Operations C
Informational Operation No-Operation N
ns NameSpace The database and collection affected by the operation Write Operations (db_name.collection_name)
Command Operations (db_name.$cmd))
No-Operation Blank
O Operation Info/Data of the Operations Initiate Replica Set {“msg” : “initiate set”}
On Electing as Primary {“msg” : “new primary”}
Add Node1 as Secondary {“msg” : “Reconfig Set”, “version”:2}
Add Node2 as Secondary {“msg” : “Reconfig Set”, “version”:3}
Remove Node1 from RepSet {“msg” : “Reconfig Set”, “version”:4}
Create Collection { “create” : “posts” }
Drop Collection { “drop” : “posts” }
Drop Database { “dropDatabase” : 1 }
Insert/Delete a Document {“_id”:1, “Name”:”ABC”}
Set () for update { “$set” : { “Name” : “MyTest” } }
O2 Update Operation Holds the _id of the document to be updated Update Document { “_id” : 21 }




Oplog Default Size

When you start a replica set member for the first time, MongoDB creates an oplog of a default size.


Default oplog size in Windows/Unix   :

5% of physical memory/free disk space

50MB to 50GB of physical memory

990MB to 50GB of free disk space


Default oplog size in OS X 64 bit        :

192MB of physical memory/free disk space


Change the size of Oplog


– The procedure to be carried on maintenance period

– Always start with the Secondary nodes first and lastly on primary

– One node at a time

– Restart node in “Standalone” mode on a different port


Let’s assume this is 3 node replication set:

Node Port Replica Set DB Path Log Path
Node1 27011 Primary C:\db\node1 C:\db\node1\log\node1.log
Node2 27012 Secondary C:\db\node2 C:\db\node2\log\node2.log
Node3 27013 Secondary C:\db\node3 C:\db\node3\log\node3.log


*Note: I’ve used variables %node%  %Port% %DBpath% and %LogPath% to simplify the instructions. Wherever you see these variables replace them with the corresponding values from the above table for practice


First Start with the secondary nodes one at a time

For  Secondary Nodes 2 & 3:

Step1: Check the present Oplog size



Step2: Shutdown the node

use admin



Step3: Restart mongod daemon as standalone on differ port 27014

mongod –dbpath %dbpath% –logpath %logpath% –port 27014


Step4: Backup existing Oplog using mongodump

mongodump –db local –collection –port 27014 –out “C:\oplog\ %node%”


Step5: Start the client

Mongo –port 27014


Step6: Switch to local database

use local


Step7: drop collection “temp” (if exists) and then create temp collection




Step7: Insert the last Oplog entry into temp collection{},{ts:1, h:1}).sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1).next()))


Step8: check the temp collection



Step9: Delete the present collection


Step10: Create a new capped collection with name “”



db.runCommand( { create:””, capped: true, size: (2*1024*1024*1024) } )

// 2*1024*1024*1024 equals 2GB


Step11: Insert the old Oplog last entry into new Oplog collection


Step12: Check the new Oplog collection


Step13: Shutdown the client

use admin



Step14: Exit



Step15: Restart mongod daemon as member on original port

mongod –replSet rs  –dbpath %dbpath% –logpath %logpath% –smallfiles –nojournal –storageEngine=mmapv1  –port %port%


Step16: Restart mongo client on original port %port%

mongo –port %port%


Step17: New Oplog Size



For Primary Node1:


Step A: Step down the node to secondary



Step B: Repeat the above procedure from Step1 to Step17




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